Emergency white filling treatment
White filling constitutes of tooth-coloured dental cement and resins used to restore teeth affected by dental cavities. White fillings are available in many shades, and our dentist will choose a shade similar to your existing teeth. This ensures that the restored teeth blend in with the other teeth and does not look unappealing.

Why opt for white filling?
If you suffer from dental cavities, it is imperative to get them cleaned and filled to prevent their progression and avoid invasive procedures like root canal treatment or, in some cases, even tooth removal. Dentistry has gone through a series of advances in recent times, and long gone are those days where the only way to restore your teeth was metallic fillings like amalgam. Now, you can opt for much aesthetically pleasing restorations to give life back to your pearly whites.

Composite fillings are opted by almost everyone now since they blend perfectly with the remaining tooth and are not obvious. With our white fillings, your whites will be restored to their previous glory, and no one will be able to find out as we replicate the anatomy of the tooth to perfection, and it looks like any normal tooth. Composite fillings done with the help of tooth coloured cement and resins are in much demand because of their nature to be virtually invisible. They restore the smile to give an aesthetically superior appearance. They are compatible with oral tissues and have the property to properly seal and prevent any further infection progression of the tooth.

White Fillings Vs Silver Amalgam
Silver amalgam fillings are the traditional grey coloured, or silver coloured filling used to restore dental cavities. Silver amalgam is made of a combination of metals such as mercury, silver, tin and copper. White fillings, on the other hand, are dental resins, also called dental composites. White fillings or composites are made of white coloured dental cement or resins, which is tooth coloured.
The main concern with amalgam fillings was how they look; they give a greyish appearance to the tooth and even discolour it. Mercury used in silver amalgam is toxic, and owing to these reasons, its use in dentistry has been minimised. This is where white fillings are better; they are tooth coloured, which makes them look like a natural tooth and are not toxic. Some white fillings also incorporate a fluoride-releasing system, which helps remineralise tooth structure and prevent further caries progression.

Inlays provided in our clinic by our specialist dentist in London are used to restore large cavities on the back teeth’ biting surfaces. The back teeth consist of large fissures, which trap food particles and bacteria, giving rise to cavities. These cavities have the potential to destroy large portions of the tooth structure. When a cavity is significantly large, a straightforward filling may not restore the tooth to its original shape, size and strength. In such a situation, our dentists use Inlays. Inlays prescribed by our dentist are prepared outside the oral cavity in a dental laboratory from tooth-coloured dental resins, which makes them aesthetically superior and restores functionality and your smile.

Onlays are similar to Inlays but are considered when the damage is too extensive. Our natural back tooth’s biting surface consists of cusps. These tooth cusps play a significant role in maintaining the correct bite and application of optimum chewing forces. When one of the cusps gets involved in a dental cavity and is destroyed by it, our dentist will prescribe you onlays. Onlays restore the biting surface of your teeth, including one of the cusps. Onlays are also custom-made for every patient in a dental laboratory in London. They rehabilitate the lost tooth structure while restoring the smile and restoring function.

When to change a white filling?
White fillings can become discoloured and yellow with time. When this happens, you can schedule an appointment with our dentist. Our dentist will examine the integrity of the filling and advise you to replace it or trim it and restore the outer surface. White fillings are also a little less durable than amalgam fillings and susceptible to fracture and chip. If this happens, it is a sign to get your white filling replaced by our dentist near you in London.

Front teeth white fillings
White fillings on front teeth are cosmetically a much superior choice, and they blend in with the remaining teeth structure and gives your tooth a natural finish. The white filling can successfully restore decayed or fracture front teeth and restore your smile. However, white fillings are susceptible to snap and can break when you bite on hard food substances. A white filling portion of your tooth is also vulnerable to discolouration.

Back tooth white fillings
Your back tooth sustains the brunt of the chewing forces. The forces applied over your back teeth are much more significant. To restore the dental cavities, present on the back teeth, it is vital to make sure that the restorative material can sustain large forces while also restoring the appearance of the tooth. White fillings with dental resins have excellent durability and can support large forces while maintaining aesthetics and providing a proper seal. This makes white fillings a much superior choice aesthetically and functionally.